Hello I'm

lava_frai the developer

C++ Kotlin Python

About Me

I am a student from Moscow, passionate about photography and programming. I have experience in team leading and administration. I graduated from the Moscow Programming School and completed several personal projects for self-study. Currently, I am studying at the Moscow Aviation Institute to further enhance my skills and fundamental knowledge.


A little more about my work skills in specific areas


I have scripting skills and extensive experience in backend development with Flask. I am capable of creating websites with server-side logic, and I can even handle simple design tasks. Additionally, I have the ability to develop Telegram/Discord bots and possess significant expertise in this area.

Low level

I have expertise in low-level ARM and AVR development, with significant experience in AVR Tiny/Mega 8-bit MCUs and electronics. I am able to design and construct hardware projects from scratch, achieving high performance through low-level programming in C/C++ and assembly languages.


I am skilled in setting up a Linux server on a computer and deploying applications into Docker. Furthermore, I am capable of writing scripts to automate these processes and install all necessary software. For example, all of my projects are hosted on my dedicated server, which I configured myself.


I am also familiar with Kotlin and can use it to develop Android applications, web applications with KTor, and CLI programs. Today I am very familiar with it, having developed many projects on it. This is my favorite and most comfortable language for me.


Here are a few of my lovely pet projects that can demonstrate my progress

Live wallpaper

My first significant project was an engine designed to render live wallpapers with various widgets using Python, featuring a modular renderer.

Hi Utils!

I developed a Discord bot designed to assist in server administration, encompassing numerous helpful utilities and features. This project was one of my initial large endeavors, through which I learned to structure code into multiple small modules.

Band7 vocabulary

I created an engine to display vocabularies on the Mi Band 7 smart band. Currently, it only supports Russian and English words due to the limited availability of sufficiently large open dictionaries.

Ruina Counter

I collaborated with a friend to develop a simple website project that monitors the duration of a streamer's offline status. We completed this project in a single evening.

Sonia Ai project

I am currently working on a long-term project involving an AI Telegram bot with a chat interface and various auxiliary functions.

MAI app

An application for MAI students with a schedule and information about the university.


If you have any further questions or suggestions, please feel free to message me on any of the social networks listed in the header. I am always available to answer your questions and would be happy to connect with new people.
You will be welcome.

Financial support and donations

And of course

If you appreciate my projects and would like to support their development or support me personally, you can make a small donation using this service. I strive to allocate the funds I receive towards enhancing my skills, and if you prefer your donation to be directed to a specific project, feel free to specify this in the comments, and it will be fulfilled. I deeply appreciate your support.

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